How to become part of our Inner Circle

Regina - sheepishly - to Yury: "Yes, I absolutely said that, I remember: 'No, Yury, under NO circumstances will we make this beautiful site (for all I know designed by angels on Cloud 9)....a selling-anything website. So-o-r-r-y! No sales here!'" ..."How are we going to pay for website upkeep?" ..."I'll think of something!!"
Regina: "I have an idea: What if we make it an 'Inner Circle only' preferred benefit to get some special people one chapter each month of a book I am getting ready for publication, called what I thought was a rather pompous preliminary title "To Liberate or to Enslave", and which I like to call my pre-mature,  purple oddling baby with webbed fingers! WRONG! It couldn't have been more true! WHO would have known!?
"Or, an audio-treat, or another fascinating book-in-the-making on Depression and Creativity, or something else wonderful that occurs to me, for a yearly commitment of  $39.50?? That way people get to keep their head above water, and keep learning and growing, even with all that crazy-making going on. 
"$39.50 a year, a chapter/surprise-a-month in the case of that manuscript (some shorter, some longer), useful for understanding regular communication-issues as well, so that you will have the equivalent of a year-long seminar under your belt? OR some other benefit of equal or more value as it occurs to me!
"O.K., PayPal, here I come. AND, while I can't see finding any more time for anything, people can email in to Yury with a short question a month and I will give them my midnight sleep and answer them as best I can in a paragraph or two...unless it's 'will I go to heaven' and THAT I am sorry to say, I cannot tell anyone because I am more familiar with the way back down.
BUT, our poor world is in such worse shape right now, and what has been called the "Prison Planet" for Millennia, is now actually a real-life Prison planet. Self-imprisoned! 
Sample Proposed Chapter Headings for the Written material so far.

Preface: Humanity's Sorry Roots with this Predicament.

Chapter I: Where are we Now? .......................... .
Chapter II: What Actually Is Communication?
Chapter III: The Benefits of Poor Communication
Chapter IV: Why Bother - Is It Worth It?
Chapter V: It's NOT my Fault......
Chapter VI: Communication as a Dynamic Whole - A Systems View
Chapter VII: Whose Reality is More Real? . . . . .
Chapter VIII: Attitudes, Beliefs and Communication.
Chapter IX: Listen to their Listening.
Chapter X: Diagnosing as Communication ..
Chapter XI: Symptom Formation as Communication.
Chapter XII: Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication
Chapter XIII: Cross-Cultural Confusions
Chapter XIV: Environment/Décor/Symbols and Communication
Chapter IV: Formulas for Empowering Communication/Education,

Summary and Conclusion


Get your money back, if next year, you don't see:
1. ....when communication is used to twist around your mind the way a controlling person might plan to use it, in the medical relationship, a personal relationship or en masse politics.
2. If you don't have a better appreciation that it is the most poorly understood and appreciated dynamic in our society.
(It's a bit embarrassing to consider how easily we are captured by what is called Narrative Control. But unless we don't know about this "wiring flaw" in our human brains and acknowledge it as a mother would with a poorly-spelling child, we will always end up manipulated by one more propagandist.)
3. Are you appreciating more how we have been constructed as human beings for Millennia, namely as story-telling and story-hearing Beings - and children are STILL begging for night-time stories, and that these dynamics dominate human consciousness, as much as ...
4. ...our need to empathize and have compassion? Do you appreciate more how we are TOTALLY vulnerable via those needs, as we are through our emotions...
5. ...and our need to avoid confusion and "cognitive dissonance"? (...namely a discomfort we feel with any news we might not like, which is often used as another tool.)
6. Are you starting to observe how these dynamics are used in small-scale human relationships, and in large-scale manipulations?