Matters of the Heart. Part 3

How To Get More Of What We Really Want

Part 3 of 3

         To deliberately influence our lives, realities and destinies in order to get more of what we really want out of life, as a prerequisite we need to establish inner coherence and harmony, thus automatically establishing more harmony in other people and the world around us as well.

         Such integrity is the basic state from where we can ‘manifest’ increasingly rewarding experiences and build such forward momentum as to instigate ‘upward spirals’ of ever-growing positivity.

         So how do we get into such a state of integrity, coherence and harmony?

         There are various aspects and caveats to the process…in short it requires a shift in consciousness. And there’s an extremely simple way to instigate one. Look at it this way:

•  Physicists know how a wave can propagate itself quite far through a medium. Think about throwing a stone into a pond; the resulting waves will continue to affect the water long after the stone has sunk to the bottom.

We experience something like this every day through all the negativity that’s constantly imposed upon us, for example through the constant fear mongering of the mass media.

The repetitive stings of ongoing reports that almost invariably communicate the implicit message that we need to constantly be on guard for bad things to happen and distrust other people keeps the great majority in the same state of mind that merely originates ‘waves of negativity’ that cause the kinds of events reported through this ‘news.’

While such a current keeps propagating and more people pick up on it, it merely grows stronger, much like the amplitude of a wave grows when multiple waves resonate and synchronize. Before we know it, things get worse and worse.

What most people don’t realize is that this doesn’t just occur on an individual level, but also on a ‘collective’ level. While we have our own individual consciousness and perspective of reality, the research outlined earlier in this article illustrates how we’re also seamlessly part of a ‘collective consciousness.’

Thus, what we see happening on a global scale can be seen as a reflection of the overall state of the collective human mind. Put simply:

If humanity as a whole doesn’t like itself, love itself, and respect itself, it’ll create a reality that reflects that state of (collective) mind on this planet. It’ll bring about the physical manifestations that reflect its own sense of self-worth and potential. 

In straightforward terms:

Take a look at the overall state of the world, and you’ll have a good impression of the overall state of the collective human mind.

But because of this seamless connection, there’s always something we can do ourselves that can have a huge, positive effect on our individual state, but also extend to a collective scale, even though it may not be immediately apparent (and then come back to us with increased amplitude, i.e. with enormously increased strength).

•  In this context, it’s worth realizing that everything we think, say and do makes waves in the collective human mind in a way that’s akin to throwing a rock into a pond. For example:

If you walk into a shop and you’re nasty and unpleasant to the person working there, he or she’ll get angry and upset. After you’re gone, he’ll be less than pleasant to his next customer or his wife and kids. This will upset them too, and so it goes on… The ‘wave of nastiness’ keeps propagating.

But on the other hand, if you knock on the door of the boss that no one likes and say you think he’s doing a great job and what a pleasure it is to work for him, you’ll probably make his day. No one will have said that to him before.

He’ll be uplifted by the compliment, and chances are that that’s going to be reflected in the way he treats the rest of his staff. In turn, these people feel happier and enjoy their work, and so they’ll be more pleasant to their families when they go home. The ‘wave of being nice’ keeps propagating.

So how you treat other people in the supermarket, at the office, at the bar, or wherever may not appear to be revolutionary… but it is. It starts with the little things, and before you know it, the small waves you make can turn into a tidal wave of consciousness transformation impacting the whole of humanity.

This is akin to what’s dubbed the ‘Butterfly Effect:’ a butterfly that flaps its wings on one side of the world might ultimately be the source of a typhoon on the other end of the world.

You can instigate such a process to your own benefit and to the benefit of many others. And if momentum does build indeed, it can mark the beginning of a tidal wave of a consciousness shift.

How? Simply by throwing a small (symbolic) rock into the pond of collective human mind.

Making Waves In The Collective Human Mind

Here’s an extremely simple way to instigate a shift, both in your own world and that of others:
•  Give another person a compliment. Be sure it’s genuine and comes “from the heart.” 
•  Make some waves this way, and deliberately spread the good vibes.
This will not only instigate a current of ‘pleasantness’ that will eventually return to you in a shape that’s much more powerful than the one you started, but it’ll also implicitly make you focus on what’s good in your world right now, and thus automatically put you in a ‘positive vibe.’

For example, think if the genuine laugh and the sparkling eyes of a kid when getting a genuine compliment or hearing rewarding words of encouragement after doing something good; you can actually see them ‘lighting up’. 

Giving a compliment can have a similar effect on yourself too, if you do it genuinely. Just try it and see for yourself.

Do this once every day, at the very least. But realize there’s no upper limit to the frequency, provided you do it genuinely and ‘from the heart.’ 
And secondly, by the same token:

•  Every time someone gives you a compliment or does something nice for you, say “thank you,” and mean it. In addition, immediately affirm to yourself: “I deserve this.”

Much of what you ask for is delivered through other people, so be ready to receive it that way. Responding as described above is a simple way to learn to open yourself up to receiving the good things in life, which happens to be something a lot of people struggle with and one of the main reasons they never seem to be able to ‘manifest their desires.’

Don’t act as if you don’t deserve it or say things like “oh, it was nothing” or “I can’t accept this,” because you can, and you will, and you need to train yourself to do so as quickly as possible if this is a challenge for you and you want your life to get better.

Act a bit like you’re a kid whose perception isn’t yet distorted through all kinds of filters that make you come up with all kinds of justifications for not deserving it or distrusting the other party assuming they’re just saying it to make you feel better and don’t really mean it.

Stick to this practice, and such resistance will soon fade.

If done genuinely and consistently, a routine as simple as this can make a huge difference for yourself, those around you, and even the world in general:

•  For one, giving out genuine appreciation and gratitude works wonders in generating harmony in the ‘vibrational state’ of your own ‘mind / body’-system. It’ll expand your heart and increase the power of its electromagnetic field.

•  We’ve also seen how this in turn positively impacts your health, your ability to connect with others, your capacity to tune into your inherent intuitive perception, and the nature of your life experience in general.

•  Finally, we’ve seen the limitless potential for such coherent and harmonious vibes to spread out to the rest of humanity… even to those way beyond your physical proximity. And the best thing is that it’s the simplest thing to do. So let me do the honors of kicking this thing off:

You, my friend, are amazing! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of the experience. I think you’re awesome. There’s a magic running through your soul, I believe in you, and I can truly see great things happening for you!

Now go out there, make some waves of your own, and spread the good vibes!

P.S. Feel free to leave a comment in the comment section below, and share this article with others you think might benefit from and/or enjoy it.

P.P.S. One last thing: Here’s a short film that became popular a while ago, which makes up an entertaining illustration of the contents of this article (IMHO it starts off a little cheesy, but the story takes off after about four minutes in and is definitely worth watching):

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