Matters of the Heart. Part 2

Hypercommunication – Heart-to-Heart?

Part 2 of 3

It’s not just the heart that plays a central role in the ‘subtle’ connection and communication with others and the world around us.

         There’s a phenomenon known as ‘hypercommunication,’ which basically comes down to a phenomenon where individual minds connect on a ‘psychic,’ intuitive level to form a joint communication network.

         To get a clear understanding of how this works, think of an ant colony, which appears to be coordinated through a particular form of this type of subtle communication:

When a queen ant is separated from her colony, the worker ants continue to build and construct the colony as if nothing ever changed, and as though they have some sort of blueprint for what to do. It doesn’t really matter where the queen ant is, as long as she’s alive.

However, when the queen ant is killed, then all work in the ant colony ceases, as if nobody knows what to do anymore because the blueprint they used to be able to access has been taken offline.

         So apparently, there’s some type of communication going on between the queen ant and the worker ants on ‘subtle’ levels that we’re unable to directly perceive. They don’t need to be in physical contact or proximity for this communication to occur; it takes place on a more ‘energetic’ level, outside the bandwidth of our three-dimensional reality’s frequency range.

         Because of this aspect of ‘non-locality,’ a different way to describe such ‘hypercommunication’ could be ‘quantum communication.’

         The research into the heart mentioned above suggests that aside from on a ‘physical level’ alone, we humans can connect with each other through this kind of quantum communication as well (for example: when one person’s brain synchronizes with another person’s heart).

         And to add to that, contemporary research into the nature of DNA suggests the same thing [13]:
  • Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev has found that the 90% of DNA (probably even more) that’s often so ludicrously explained away as ‘junk’ (as if more than 90% of this stuff is all there for nothing) does indeed have complex properties.

  • According to him and his team, DNA is not merely used to coordinate protein synthesis in our bodies (<– which is what the 10% that mainstream science focuses on is for). Instead, the other parts of our DNA seem to actually be used as a medium for storage and reception of information and for hypercommunication.

  • Garjajev and his group analyzed the vibrational response of DNA and concluded that it can function much like networked intelligence, and that it allows for hypercommunication amongst all sentient beings. They demonstrated how DNA operates through resonance and vibratory frequencies, and how it can be modified through the impact of external frequencies.
         There’s a lot more to say about Garjajev’s studies, and truth be told, it doesn’t seem like they’ve been replicated at the time of writing this article. Nevertheless, it could be a first stepping stone towards the scientific explanation for some pretty amazing phenomena (such as spontaneous remission and self-healing, remote acts of healing, intuition, etc.).

         Either way, the information about the heart and DNA outlined above clearly illustrates our inherent ability to mutually connect and influence the world around us in subtle, yet truly astonishing ways that we may not always realize because it takes place on levels outside of our conscious awareness.

         This ability allows us to pull off surprising feats that might be regarded as almost ‘magical’ from our common perception of reality… both for ourselves and others… especially when we consciously join, connect and align on a more collective level.

         To illustrate this, check out examples like these:

  • You’ve probably heard of the group of transcendental meditators in Washington D.C. that collectively focused on the intent to increase their mental and emotional harmony, thus contributing to an overall decrease of stress in the area.
    The study was just a temporary experiment involving 4,000 meditators, but still it turned out to significantly decrease in Washington D.C.’s crime rate during the experiment.
    But moreover, based on the study’s results, the long-term effect that a permanent group of 4,000 participants in the meditation program would have, was calculated to be a 48% reduction in the number of homicides, rapes, and assaults in the District of Columbia [14].
    That’s huge, especially considering the fact that nobody really did anything but to meditate and work on their own mental and emotional harmony to elicit this effect!

  • And then there’s the ‘Global Consciousness Project.’ This endeavor was initiated in 1998 out of Princeton University to study the impact of human consciousness on the ‘real’ world.

  • The project uses so-called ‘random event generators’ (‘electrogaiagrams’ or EGGs) that are installed on every continent and with nodes on more than 50 locations. The goal is to observe if human consciousness can influence the outcome of random events.
    The project still continues till this day and has concluded so far that…:
    “The results are evidence that the physical world and our mental world of information and meaning are linked in ways that we don’t yet understand.” [15]  Or maybe we actually do understand it….
So in summary, it seems like we can communicate and connect with each other through heart and DNA transmissions, and probably on deeper levels of consciousness as well.

It appears that we’re all seamlessly connected to everyone and everything else, which offers fascinating and mind-boggling opportunities to ‘pull’ and ‘create’ amazing things into our experience, at least once we take conscious control of our energy fields and their ‘hypercommunicative’ broadcast.

This way, we can establish amazing transformations in both our own lives, and the lives of everyone else.

Let’s explore how…