Lesson #2: "The Power of Heart-to-Heart Connection

To my terrible dismay, we seem to have lost my lengthy description of an amazing video for which we could not seem to find anyone to give us re-use permission, so I decided to at least describe it for you. So, here is a quick re-cap of the lost description:
It was a heart-wrenching scene of a twin (a boy, with the sister safe and sound) being born limp and after 30 minutes of trying to revive him, the doctors had to give up and declare him dead. Of course, as the mother wailed and screamed, they looked on with pain, thinking her mad from grief. The mother asked her husband to take off his shirt, and, skin-skin, sandwiched between his parents, who described their baby-room and his sister and how much fun they would all have together, the baby "woke" and is now perfectly fine.