Don't let Fear and Manipulation Affect…

by Regina B. Jensen

Here I am reading a letter to our local editor I wrote when I was young and beautiful!

       “… I was reminded of a great people who were led into another terrible war by believing their leader's assertion that they were doing a good, patriotic thing,” and remembering how departments most of us had never even heard about began to use their psychological know-how to create beliefs in us, the "dumb masses” by way of music, flag-waving and flashing images to prepare us to accept things that America is, by its own traditions and history, not bred to do.” (I thought.)

       “This country did not use to be known for naively and blindly following authority no matter how ludicrous their suggestions or behaviors. Americans used to be beloved and admired by much of the rest of the world for the fact that we were outspoken, did question authority, were not easily fooled or duped by colorful, shiny, ‘heart-wrenching’ make-believe – and envied for a Constitution that, back then, still allowed dissent.”

       “We all agree that fear is a terrible thing and nothing is more inexcusable than using it to manipulate people.…Fear does everything our churches and spiritual leaders exist to help us transform. Fear creates separation, brings hatred, distrust, and displaces anger and rage

       “Weak people use fear. We all know how individuals with true power make us feel: openhearted, trusting, cooperative, happy. They are honest, fair, come by their power from the inside out, not by set-ups, by smearing names, manipulating, duping the public with glossy flag-waving for their self-serving power mongering. 

       Did we not learn from elections in the past, I wrote, “that someone winning at all costs and by doing whatever it takes, with no regard to law and ethics, will continue to do anything to be first, anything to feel that false sense of power with no regard to outcome?” And: ”The beautiful American flag was not created so that we can hide ourselves behind it like cowards. It cannot protect us any more than anyone waving his or her titles in front of us. The only thing that will protect us in this day and age is our own and others' integrity, our capacity to look deeply into our own hearts….”

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